The Royal Veterinary College is committed to the promotion of equal opportunity for all staff so that they are recruited, trained, appraised and promoted on the basis of their merits and abilities regardless of age, disability, ethnic origin, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, nationality (subject to work-permit restrictions), pregnancy or maternity status, religious belief, sex or sexual orientation. Applicants who have, have had, or acquire a disability will be provided with the necessary reasonable adjustments at all stages with their contact with the College.
The College aims to recruit staff with the highest level of qualification, skills, experience, potential and motivation appropriate for the range of posts it offers, irrespective of age, disability, ethnic origin, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, nationality (subject to work-permit restrictions), pregnancy or maternity status, religious belief, sex or sexual orientation. Over time, the aim is for the workforce of the College to reflect the make-up of potential candidates.
The College recognises that under the Equality Act 2010, as a public body, it has particular responsibilities to promote equality of opportunity, promote good relations between people who share protected characteristics and those who do not and have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation. The College is committed to reviewing the impact of its policies and procedures and will take steps to ensure that all members of College staff are aware of their responsibilities under the Equality Objectives and Action Plan.
The College also recognises the benefits of having a diverse community of staff, who value one another and the different contributions they can make, to achieve the College’s mission of providing leadership in Veterinary Science and education through innovative scholarship and pioneering activity.